Black Mirror: Black Museum Soundtrack: Listen To ‘Familiarity’ By Cristobal Tapia de Veer | Nerdist

 “Familiarity” has a demented carnival vibe that kicks into gear after about 10 seconds of ominous whirring. Ethereal voices offer breathy beats while the sound of a warping tape lends a sense of apprehension. – Juliet Bennett Rylah, Nerdist

We won’t provide any Black Mirror spoilers here, but if you haven’t seen the “Black Museum” episode yet, you’re in for an adventure.  The score by Cristobal Tapia de Veer will no doubt haunt your thoughts long after you’ve finished watching the episode.  Find out what Nerdist has to say about the episode and listen to the full track!

Soundtrack Available Now: Download / Stream

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