Antoni Maiovvi Debuts ‘Before & After The Bomb’ Horror Album (Out Now)

Lakeshore Records has released Antoni Maiovvi’s new album, Before & After The Bomb, available now digitally on all major music services! Antoni Maiovvi’s Before & After The Bomb is a love letter dedicated to 25 years of fascination with all things horror. Taking influence from heroes such as Fabio Frizzi, Riz Ortolani, John Carpenter and Claudio Simonetti whilst simultaneously taking cues from the bizarre and wild films of early-Peter Jackson, Bruno Mattei and Sam Raimi, Before & After The Bomb twists and turns between action set pieces, genuine tenderness and unabashed ridiculousness.
Previously, Lakeshore released Antoni’s score to Housewife, Can Evrenol’s 2018 follow up to his award-winning Turkish horror masterpiece, Baskin. Keep reading for the album buy links and music players below.
Are you a fan of Antoni Maiovvi? Be sure to follow his Spotify and Bandcamp profiles.
Soundtrack Available Now: [Download/Listen]
Before & After The Bomb (Original Soundtrack)
Antoni Maiovvi
01. Laboratory
02. This Celebration Went Really Wrong
03. Soldier Boys
04. Quiet Time
05. What Is Your Name?
06. Safe Haven
07. White Jazz
08. Medieval World
09. Before & After The Bomb
10. The Circle
11. Mutations
12. More Quiet Time
13. First Fight
14. Monster, Friend?
15. It’s About To Get Far Worse
16. Zombie Beach
17. The Confrontation
18. The Death Of A Friend & Ally
19. At Sunset
20. End Credits
Antoni Maiovvi is the nom-de-plume of prolific British composer Anton Maiof. Born in Bristol in 1980, his composing career began working with small theatre companies in London before relocating to Berlin, Germany and starting to work with film, writing the award winning soundtrack to the Neo-Giallo Short Film Yellow in 2012. In the same year, alongside fellow modern electronic composer Vercetti Technicolor, he started the Horror Disco record label ‘Giallo Disco’, releasing fictitious soundtracks for films that are yet to exist.
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