‘Stranger Things’ and ‘The Walking Dead’ Make 10 Best Horror Movie and TV Theme Songs List! | Mandatory

The themes to Lakeshore releases Stranger Things (Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein, Netflix) and The Walking Dead (Bear McCreary, AMC) make Mandatory’s 10 Best Horror and TV Theme Songs list!  As Stranger Things heads into Season 3 and The Walking Dead is now airing Season 9, the themes to these critically-acclaimed series are must-haves for the complete horror soundtrack collection.  The infectious Stranger Things and The Walking Dead themes are in good company with the curated list of iconic and classic themes from John Carpenter’s Halloween, to Bernard Herrman’s Psycho to Mike Oldfield’s The Exorcist, and more!  See the full list at Mandatory.  Did all your favorite film and tv themes make this list?  Let us know what you think below!

The [Stranger Things] theme song draws back to its roots with a synth-heavy, vintage sound that brings to mind John Carpenter.


There is no other modern horror TV series with a more recognizable theme song than Bear McCreary’s The Walking Dead.


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