Mandy: Prepare Yourself Mentally For Panos Cosmatos’ Highly-Anticipated Film, Trailer Debuts June 27, Score By Johann Johannsson!

Get ready for the epic debut trailer for Mandy, the highly-anticipated movie starring Nicolas Cage, Andrea Riseborough and Linus Roache!  The film scored by the late Johann Johannsson is set to open in theaters and on VOD this September.  See details at Bloody Disgusting.  Keep your eyes peeled on the Internet as the trailer will go live at 9 a.m. PT/12:00 p.m. ET.

RJLE Films presents MANDY, in theaters, VOD and Digital on September 14.


Mandy. The time has come… Trailer Premiere Wed Jun 27th. – – We miss Jóhann so much.- – – “The soundtrack is equally highly worked, though dominated by Oscar-nommed Icelandic composer Johann Johansson’s original score, which sports a variety of textures apt for a movie that often feels like a vintage prog-metal concept album illustrated.” – Variety – – “The grainy 16mm imagery, a vibrant mixture of neon hues and shadows set to Johan Johansson’s disorienting score, suggests a gothic fantasy unfolding within the confines of a heavy-metal poster.” -IndieWire – – “Mandy doesn’t have a heavy metal soundtrack (though its soundtrack is an incredible hodgepodge of eerie brooding synths), but it is a total heavy metal movie, filled with panel-van airbrush imagery, cultist weirdos, and a group of bikers that seem inspired by Cenobites in the best way possible (they also have their very own drug, and when Cage takes a taste it is a sight to behold). This movie even has animated sequences and a chainsaw duel.” – BirthMoviesDeath – – “Cosmatos is the dominating force for “Mandy”‘s avant-garde horror first half, relishing demonic synth music cues (from Johann Johannsson) and establishing many characters as mysterious, rambling beings of an insidious universe. “- – – #mandyfilm #mandy #sundance #filmtrailer #nicholascage #johannjohannsson #spectrevision #beyondtheblackrainbow #panoscosmatos #cultfilm #midnightmovie #elijahwood #filmcomposer #soundtrack #soundtracks #moviesoundtrack #horror #horrormovie #lakeshorerecords #invadarecords #revenge #moviemusic @johann_johannss @spectrevision @spectrevisionmusic #andreariseborough @invadarecords @lakeshorelovesvinyl @panoscosmatos @wallerjoshc #xyzfilms @xyzfilms #filmscore #filmcomposer @indiewire @variety #variety #indiewire @johnhbergin #electronicmusic

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