Fannibal Alert! NBC Hannibal June 8th Panel Discussion Feat. Showrunner Bryan Fuller, Brian Reitzell’s Score Launches on Bandcamp!

NBC “Hannibal” showrunner Bryan Fuller will join a panel discussion (via Skype) for Split Screens Festival’s Hannibal — “The Wrath of the Lamb” event!  Fuller will speak on the final season of Hannibal” and Brian Reitzell’s score which was recently brought to life via the Alarm Will Sound ensemble on the concert stage, following the theatrical screening of the series finale on Thursday, June 8 (9 p.m.)  at the IFC Center!  More info. and get tickets here.

And, due to popular demand, a second event has been added at 7:30 p.m., with Hannibal cast member Raul Esparza (“Dr. Frederick Chilton”) in person!  This event, Hannibal — “The Number of the Beast Is 666”, will lead into the 9 pm. screening event with Bryan Fuller, so don’t miss out!  Get tickets here.

In honor of this event, Lakeshore Records is making all three seasons of Brian Reitzell’s unforgettable score available for the very first time on Bandcamp for high-quality, digital download and streaming, beginning with Hannibal, Season 1 Volume 1.  All six volumes from Season 1 through 3 will be released throughout the day, so keep an eye out!

The live concert performance was held on May 10 and May 13 (St. Louis and New York City, respectively), and you can listen to the concert below thanks to WQXR.  


Thrilled to be a part of @splitscreenstv! Matt Marks will represent Alarm Will Sound in a panel discussion. He will talk about our work with Brian Reitzell to bring the score to #Hannibal to life on the concert stage.⠀ ⠀ ———————————⠀ From Split Screens TV:⠀ ⠀ A special theatrical screening of the finale of NBC’s “Hannibal,” a nightmare fantasy from Bryan Fuller (Pushing Daisies) that reinterpreted Thomas Harris’ novels through the eyes of an expressionist, polymorphous sensualist. Reworking much of the plot of Harris’ Red Dragon, but in a more hallucinatory way than in earlier film versions, the finale builds to an orgiastic release of pent-up intellectual and sexual energy so intense that viewers may need a cigarette and a towel afterward.⠀ ⠀ Fuller will join the audience via Skype to discuss the finale, the legacy of his cult classic, his new Starz series American Gods, and what a hypothetical fourth season of “Hannibal” would look like. A panel of New York-based Fannibals will discuss the legacy of the show, including its impact on popular art.⠀ ⠀ In person: Leila Taylor, Creative Director at the Brooklyn Public Library; novelist @RobWHart1 (New Yorked, The Woman from Prague); composer @MattMarksMusic of Alarm Will Sound; illustrator and author Janice Poon, food stylist for Hannibal and author of Feeding Hannibal; Dr. Lori Morimoto, independent scholar of fan studies; (via Skype) Hannibal creator and executive producer Bryan Fuller (@bryanfullergram).⠀ ⠀ ——————————–⠀ #AlarmWillSound #SplitScreensFestival #Hannibal #Fannibals #NewMusic #SoundWorlds #BryanFuller #BrianReitzell

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For this performance, AWS members Chris Thompson, Matt Marks and Alan Pierson, along with composer Christopher Stark arranged electronic selections from Brian Reitzell’s score to Hannibal.

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