The Rise of The Synths Companion Album: Com Truise Is A Featured Artist!

Lakeshore Records is pleased to announce that a new, original track by Com Truise will be featured on the highly-anticipated The Rise of The Synths Companion Album, coming this Spring!  Lakeshore previously released the soundtrack to slasher film, GirlHouse, which features the track, “VHS Sex” by Com Truise (preview the album here).  We can’t wait to let you hear all the wonderful synthwave just dying to be released into the world!

Com Truise is one of the many personas of producer and designer Seth Haley, born and raised in upstate New York and operating out of a 12’-overrun apartment in Princeton, New Jersey. An admitted synth obsessive, Com Truise is the maker of an experimental and bottom heavy style he calls “mid-fi synth-wave, slow-motion funk”.

The Rise of The Synths Companion Album will be out this spring. Listen to the debut single here.

THE RISE OF THE SYNTHS is a feature documentary directed by Iván Castell and produced by Javier Moreno with an amazing team from Spain.  The film is the definitive documentary about synthwave and ’80s retro and electronic music.  The filmmakers’ crowd-funding campaign is running right now.  Head over to IndieGogo to give them your support!

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