Stranger Things Only Soundtrack Named in Rolling Stone Top 50 Albums of 2016!
Seventy-four brief cues and atmospheres sprawled across four vinyl discs made this the feel-good avant-garde event of the year. – Rolling Stone
The two-volume Stranger Things soundtrack featuring the synth score by Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein of S U R V I V E makes the 50 Best Albums Of 2016 list by Rolling Stone! Both volumes of the soundtrack are out now on Lakeshore Records (get Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 on iTunes).
Stranger Things, Volume 1 & 2 (A Netflix Original Series Soundtrack) is the only soundtrack (or score) album named on the distinguished Best Of list, which includes albums by Gold and Platinum artists such Beyonce, David Bowie, Metallica and more! See the full list at Rolling Stone. Congrats to Kyle and Michael, the Duffer Brothers and Netflix!
Get your copy of the Stranger Things soundtrack on vinyl from your local indie record store, see our Vinyl Page here, or order through Invada Records for UK and rest of the world!