The Rise Of The Synths: Two More Bands Announced
Lakeshore Records is releasing a special companion album in support of the crowd-funded film The Rise Of The Synths! The album will feature many of your favorite synthwave artists, including Voyag3r, who was announced last week as part of the roster of featured synth wave artists.
Next up is OGRE, a.k.a. Robin Ogden, prolific composer and sound designer for video games and visual media. OGRE previously released an album with Lakeshore: Night Of The Living Dead (Original Motion Picture Rescore), co-composed with Dallas Campbell.
THE RISE OF THE SYNTHS is a feature documentary directed by Iván Castell and produced by Javier Moreno with an amazing team from Spain. The film is the definitive documentary about synthwave and ’80s retro and electronic music. The filmmakers’ crowd-funding campaign is running right now. Head over to IndieGogo to give them your support!