‘The Nice Guys’ Soundtrack Is ‘Crazy Good ’70s Nostalgia’ | Bustle
‘The Nice Guys’ Score Album Is Out Now On Lakeshore Records – Download Here: [iTunes]
Crazy good ’70s nostalgia, amirite? And the throwback to the feel-good-decade doesn’t end there; there is also a ’70s-inspired “collector’s edition” vinyl version of the soundtrack available on iam8bit. But vinyl enthusiasts beware: this is not your grandmother’s LP. – Bustle
You know you’ve had a good time seeing The Nice Guys when you leave the theater humming to one of a dozen hot tunes (via Music Supervisor by Randall Poster) featured in this ’70s era buddy comedy starring Russell Crowe and Ryan Gosling! Check out the review at Bustle and listen to our soundtrack playlist to hear the funky score (by John Ottman and David Buckley) and groovy music, below.
Warner Bros. Pictures presents THE NICE GUYS in theaters now (find a theater).
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