Halloween Month: Spooky and Haunted Houses Week – Castle Freak

We kick off spooky and haunted houses week with the 2020 remake of Castle Freak, starring Clair Catherine, Kika Magalhães and Jake Horowitz.  If you haven’t seen the original 1995 film starring Barbara Crampton, who is now an executive producer on this film, there will be no spoilers here.  H.P. Lovecraft is credited as one of the writers as the film is loosely adapted from his stories, “The Outsider” and “The Dunwich Horror“.  Also produced by the iconic Fangoria magazine and media brand, creepy and twisted film aficionados can tune into Castle Freak on Shudder.  

Legendary horror composer Fabio Frizzi lends his distinctive touch to the film’s score, which you can now stream on all major digital music services worldwide.




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