Spotlight On Women Composers For Women’s Equality Day


For Women’s Equality Day, we are shining an extra spotlight on Women Composers!  Why?  Although this day commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920, granting women the right to vote, we take this opportunity to feature just a sample of the talented film and television composers who exist and deserve a seat at the table in the soundtrack world.

Case in point: It was not until 2016 that EMMY-nominated Composer Kathryn Bostic (Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am) became the first African American woman composer to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and just this year, Amanda Jones became the first Black woman nominated for best score in a Prime Time Emmy category.  Clearly, it is time for more change and room for the advancement of women in the industry.

A few months back, we began our Spotlight on Women Composers series.  Get to know these composers:

Spotlight on Kathryn Bostic

Spotlight on Anne Nikitin

Spotlight on Aska Matsumiya

Spotlight on Anne Chmelewsky

Listen to Lakeshore’s Spotlight on Women Composers Spotify Playlist:



Here is a list of 2020 soundtrack releases featuring women composers for your consideration:

Amanda JonesHome Season 1: Episode V, Maine

Sarah SchachnerAssassin’s Creed Valhalla: Out Of The North / Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: The Ravens Saga

Anne NikitinSulphur & White 

Claudia SarneDispatches From Elsewhere: Elsewhere Society / Dispatches From Elsewhere: The Jejune Institute

Amanda JonesTwenties

Aska MatsumiyaSelah & The Spades 

Mandy HoffmanHala 

Ariel MarxTed Bundy: Falling For A Killer

Aska Matsumiya37 Seconds

Kid Moxie Not To Be Unpleasant But We Need To Have A Serious Talk

Who do you think we should interview next?  Let us know in the comments below!

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