The Rental Is No. 1 At The Box Office Two Weekends In A Row! Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans Score Gets Playlist Love


Dave Franco’s Airbnb horror film, The Rental, is the No. 1 weekend box office movie two weekends in a row!  If you were among the many who got their fill of the suspense thriller, you might be interested in this recent podcast in which Franco spoke extensively about what inspired The Rental and how the ensemble cast made this one of the most talked-about films of the year.   Keep reading for soundtrack listening links.

Via Hollywood News:

And we would be remiss in not mentioning the “nerve-wracking, quietly propulsive score” (Hollywood Reporter) by Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaanns got some love from the coveted Soundtracks For Study playlists on Spotify.  Listen to the full album on your favorite music services below.


“Bensi and Jurriaans create a masterfully atmospheric and otherworldly score for the tension-filled thriller directed by Dave Franco (his directorial debut).” – Dread Central

Soundtrack Available Now: [Download/Listen]



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