The Music Of Red Dead Redemption 2: Original Score Comes To Vinyl and CD!

The Music of Red Dead Redemption 2: Original Score Coming To Vinyl and CD - Woody Jackson | Invada Records, Lakeshore Records
The Music of Red Dead Redemption 2: Original Score Coming To Vinyl and CD - Woody Jackson | Invada Records, Lakeshore Records

Now Taking Pre-Orders at the Rockstar Warehouse and Invada Records


The Music of Red Dead Redemption 2: Original Score is coming to Vinyl and CD as a one-time-only, limited release on April 10th, and is now up for pre-order at the Rockstar Warehouse and the Invada Records Online Store. The double LP set comes pressed on transparent vinyl discs and features a gatefold package with printed sleeves.

Composed by longtime Rockstar collaborator Woody Jackson and featuring contributions from a wide range of artists and musicians including Arca, Colin Stetson, Senyawa, David Ferguson, Jon Theodore and more, The Music of Red Dead Redemption 2: Original Score is also currently available on all major digital music platforms, including Apple Music and Spotify.

In addition to Invada’s vinyl and CD release in partnership with Rockstar Games and Lakeshore Records, Lakeshore’s digital release of The Music Of Red Dead Redemption 2: Original Score is available now on all major music services! Listen now: [Digital]


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Pre-Order The Music of Red Dead Redemption 2: Original Score on vinyl or CD from and the @invadarecords Online Store. Vinyl: CD:

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The amazing score for Red Dead Redemption II is coming to vinyl and CD through our partners @invadarecords ?? . Both the album and CD are available to pre order now over on the Invada web-shop. . Digital formats are out on the usual platforms to listen to if you can’t wait for the LP & CD! . #rockstargames #rockstar #woodyjackson @woodyjacksonofficial #themusicofreddeadredemption2 #colinstetson @colinstetson #mariobatcovic @mariobatkovic #invada #invadarecords #invadauk #invadavinyl #invadaLP #lakeshorerecords @lakeshorelovesvinyl #videogame #videogamescore #videogamesoundtrack #vinyl #soundtrack #recordcollector #recordcollecting #recordcollection #vinylcollection #vinylcommunity #vinylrecords #vinyljunkie #vinyladdict #reddeadredemption #limitededition #collector

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