Watch ‘Drive’, Nicolas Winding Refn’s Iconic Movie Now Free On IMDb Freedive!

Did someone say free? Yes, Drive, the Academy Award®-nominated film that came to influence filmmakers in subsequent years, enable the proliferation of the synthwave music scene, and more,  can now be seen in its entirety on the new IMDb Freedive service! The only catch is you’ll have to deal with a few commercials, but who cares because, free.

Director Nicolas Winding Refn won the Best Director award at Cannes at its premiere, and the film would go on to win many other awards and nominations, including Best Score at the International Film Music Critics Award, nominations for Best Score at the World Soundtrack Awards and LA Film Critic’s Association Awards, and earning an Oscar® Nomination (Best Achievement in Sound Editing)!

The iconic Drive – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack featuring score by Cliff Martinez is available now: [Download/Listen/Buy]

Watch DRIVE, now at IMDb Freedive.


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