Johann Johannsson : The Music Of ‘Mandy’ | Variety

Johann Johannsson | Photo credit: Jonatan Gretarsson

Partly electronic, partly live players, it’s also heavily edited and processed for a dark, massive, industrial-metal sound that matches the grim, violent, sometimes insane milieu of the film. – Jon Burlingame, Variety

On the eve of the Mandy theatrical and soundtrack release, Variety’s Jon Burlingame takes a look at the late composer Johann Johannsson, whose score was completed shortly before his passing earlier this year.  The film’s director Panos Cosmatos, his friend and manager Tim Husom and others remark on the journey and collaborations that brought the highly-anticipated score to fruition, including the newly-formed Johann Johannsson Foundation, which aims to “connect and support music students to musicians.”  Read the full story at Variety.

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