Mother’s Day: Grace And Frankie + More On Screen Moms You Love

Like a snowflake, no two mothers are alike. Grace And Frankie (watch it on Netflix) are two of our favorite on-screen moms currently smoking up the screen (sometimes literally) and changing everything we thought we knew about the idea of the modern female parental unit. Played by Jane Fonda (“Grace”) and Lily Tomlin (“Frankie”), this critically acclaimed duo are total crack ups that you just want to hang out with. Put on the soundtrack or send it to your mom. It’ll put a smile on your face. Who are your favorite TV or movie moms?  See more below.

Soundtrack Available Now: [Download/Stream]

TV Moms

THE HANDMAID’S TALE – [Stream Series][Download/Stream Soundtrack]
Score by Adam Taylor.

“Offred”/”June” – played by Elisabeth Moss. She just wants to be free to live in a better world with her family.  Also, she wants to be free.  This role earned Moss a Golden Globe and Prime Time EMMYs win for Best Actress.  The series also just won the prestigious Peabody Awards.



Movie Mom

LADY BIRD – [Watch Movie][Download/Stream Soundtrack]
Score by Jon Brion.

“Marion McPherson” played by Laurie Metcalf.  She tries to be a mom who helps her daughter become the best version of herself.  This role earned Metcalf an Academy Award and Golden Globe nomination for Best Supporting Actress!



Want to see more?  Check out our previous Mother’s Day list here.


Who are your favorite TV or movie moms?  Share with us below in comments!

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