Marcella Soundtrack: Four-Star Lorne Balfe Score Review | Film.Music.Media

“Dynamic and effective”- Film.Music.Media


For those of us who have followed Marcella, the International EMMY-winning series, then you must know how powerful a role the score plays in the series.  Gratefully, Lorne Balfe continues his reign as composer in Series 2.  Preview/stream the album below.

Soundtrack Available Now: [Download/Stream]

If you missed an episode of Marcella, then not to worry.  Through the magic of technology, ITV has made the episodes from the current series on ITV Hub (UK access only).  And, if you need a refresher, Series 1 is now on Netflix.  Expect Series 2 to hit Netflix soon.

Catch up on Marcella now: watch Series 2 now on ITV Hub and Series 1 on Netflix.



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