‘Crawl Into The Narrow Caves’ Soundtrack CD: Get Your Hands On The Horror Score By Binary Reptile

Crawl Into The Narrow Caves: Music by Binary Reptile | Lakeshore Records

Crawl Into The Narrow Caves is the eerie score to the first ever Audiostate™ “ear-movie” experience, The Narrow Caves. Featuring music as score by Binary Reptile (Bone Tomahawk’s Jeff Herriott & S. Craig Zahler), the album is available now on all digital outlets and now on Amazon CD via Lakeshore Records! Preview the album below.

Soundtrack Out Now: [Download/Buy CD]


CINESTATE presents THE NARROW CAVES, available digitally on Audible.com today (get it here) and coming soon to Amazon DOD.


Production is grade-A work.  The foley work and special effects are fantastic, with a great mix for headphone wearers.  The performances are solid across the board, especially Russell and Simmons in the lead roles.  Even without having to perform the visuals of their ordeals, this is gutsy, difficult work, and the hit every mark perfectly. – Dread Central


The Narrow Caves - The First Audiostate Ear Movie Experience on Audible.com

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