The Rise of the Synths: The Companion Album Will Feature Denmark’s Code Elektro

The latest synthwave artist confirmed on the forthcoming The Rise of the Synths Companion Album is Denmark’s Code Elektro.  A two-time GAFFA Award Nominee (Denmark’s annual pop music awards), Code Elektro is the moniker of the Danish electro  band helmed by Martin, who references Blade Runner, John Carpenter, Daft Punk, S U R V I V E and others in his music.  Follow Code Elektro on Facebook.  The album is slated to be released this spring, so stay tuned for more updates!

“From my perspective, the synth scene IS rising – and it’s happing right now. So much amazing music out there. I’m really happy that Lakeshore asked Code Elektro to be a part of Rise of the Synths,” said Martin.  

THE RISE OF THE SYNTHS is a feature documentary directed by Iván Castell and produced by Javier Moreno with an amazing team from Spain.  The film is the definitive documentary about synthwave and ’80s retro and electronic music.  The filmmakers’ crowd-funding campaign is running right now.  Head over to IndieGogo to give them your support!

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