EXCLUSIVE! Distance Between Dreams: Go Behind The Scenes With Junkie XL On His Creative Process For Scoring The Epic Surf Doc | Sound on Sound


Go behind the scenes on a scoring session between Tom Holkenborg (aka Junkie XL) and his team who developed the sounds of Distance Between Dreams, the new big wave surfing documentary starring iconic surfer, Ian Walsh.  The second feature in Red Bull Media House’s The Unrideables franchise, Distance Between Dreams invites viewers right into the heart of the action with first person perspective, state-of-the-art cinematography, and captivating sound.  Get ready for some analog synth eye candy and a bit of music philosophy.  The soundtrack is out now on Lakeshore Records (get it here).  Watch the exclusive video now at Sound on Sound.

Produced by Red Bull Media House, the film is out now across all digital platforms.  Watch on Red Bull TV Dec. 19 – 25: http://win.gs/DBDRBTV


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