‘Mr. Robot’ Collectible CD Release! First Look At Packaging Of Two-Volume Set
Pre-order ‘Mr. Robot Soundtrack’ on iTunes: [Vol. 1] [Vol. 2]
Lakeshore Records will release the Mr. Robot (Original Television Series Soundtrack) digitally on June 3 and on CD June 24. The album features original music by Mac Quayle (“The People v. O.J. Simpson”, “American Horror Story”, “Scream Queens”). This collectable high-fidelity compact disc release features uncompressed audio for discerning listeners. Each CD includes an eight-page booklet with extensive liner notes by series Executive Producer Sam Esmail and Composer Mac Quayle. Artwork and design is by John Bergin.
In designing the package, Sam Esmail and John Bergin asked themselves, “What if Mr. Robot was a video game from the 1980s?”
The second season of MR. ROBOT premieres on USA Network Wednesday, July 13 at 10/9c.
Mr. Robot – Volume 1 (Original Television Series Soundtrack)
Mac Quayle
01. 1.0_1-hellofriend.wav
02. 1.0_2-oneincontrol.aiff
03. 1.0_3-fucksociety.mp3
04. 1.0_4-m0rphine.aac
05. 1.0_5-pierreloti.au
06. 1.0_6-leavem3here.flac
07. 1.0_7-waitfortheQ.ogg
08. 1.0_8-whatsyourask.m4p
09. 1.0_9-flipper.bwf
10. 1.1_1-one6away.caf
11. 1.1_2-wearefsociety.sd2
12. 1.1_3-oneor0.wma
13. 1.1_4-hateurself.ra
14. 1.1_5-illusionofchoice.mp3
15. 1.1_6-believe-in-erasing.au
16. 1.2_1-IwillbeCTO.m4p
17. 1.2_2-humanpunchingbag.aiff
18. 1.2_3-therealshayla.wav
19. 1.3_1-Ichosethis.ogg
20. 1.3_2-everyrev0lution.ra
21. 1.3_3-betterthanm0rphine.aac
22. 1.3_4-allsafevirus.bwf
23. 1.3_5-da3m0nsneverstop.caf
24. 1.4_1-squ4rewiththeuniverse.wma
25. 1.4_2-impenetrable.sd2
26. 1.4_3-billharper.mp3
27. 1.4_4-exploitingtyrell.wav
28. 1.4_5-revenge1syourweakn3ss.ra
29. 1.4_6-n0execution.au
Mr. Robot – Volume 2 (Original Television Series Soundtrack)
Mac Quayle
01. 1.5_1-askingthe1mpossible.m4p
02. 1.5_2-hackthepolice.mp3
03. 1.5_3-trustyourself.bwf
04. 1.5_4-issacsbestmove.bwf
05. 1.5_5-mybestmove.ra
06. 1.5_6-veraliber4ted.aiff
07. 1.6_1-v1ew-s0urce.ogg
08. 1.6_2-a-way-out.wav
09. 1.7_1-consumatesurvivor.caf
10. 1.7_2-darlenesgun.aac
11. 1.7_3-in0urgrasps.ogg
12. 1.7_4-wh1ter0se.flac
13. 1.7_5-mrrobot&tyrell.wma
14. 1.8_1-imcrazy.aiff
15. 1.8_2-mostdangerouscar.m4p
16. 1.8_3-ch4ngefromwith1n.au
17. 1.8_4-oneconstant.caf
18. 1.9_1-waltznumber2.bwf
19. 1.9_2-wearefinallyaw4ke.ra
20. 1.9_3-johannaphishes.wav
21. 1.9_4-forcerobotshand.sd2
22. 1.9_5-urmygod.ogg
23. 1.9_6-nothingisreal.ra