Hear ‘Opening Titles’ By Jasha Klebe From Oscars Shortlisted Doc ‘Winter On Fire’

Winter On Fire Soundtrack Is Out Now On Lakeshore Records! Download Here: [iTunes]


Through well-timed interviews, we get to meet the people of the revolution – activists, medics, journalists, clergy, and volunteers (including a memorable 12-year old) that span all ages and social classes. Their remarkable ability to mobilize such large forces against the corrupt Yanukovych regime, and their unending resilience against oppression is wholly astonishing and inspiring to behold. – Awards Circuit


Directed by Evgeny Afineevsky, acclaimed documentary Winter On Fire received the People’s Choice Award for Best Documentary at the Toronto International Film Festival and is now on The Academy’s shortlist for Best Documentary nominations!  Hear “Opening Titles” (below) from Winter On Fire: Ukraine’s Fight For Freedom (Original Soundtrack) — out now on Lakeshore Records!

Stream WINTER ON FIRE, available now on Netflix.


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