‘Pawn Sacrifice’ In Theaters Now, Scored By James Newton Howard – Film Stars Tobey Maguire, Peter Sarsgaard And Liev Schreiber

“Pawn Sacrifice” is intelligent, absorbing, never boring, and skillfully tense when it should be. –The Wrap

Pawn Sacrifice
 starring Tobey Maguire, Peter Sarsgaard and Liev Schreiber is now playing in select theaters (find a theater).  The soundtrack featuring score by eight-time Academy Award® nominee James Newton Howard is out now on Lakeshore Records.    The album is currently a featured soundtrack on the iTunes Soundtracks homepage!  Read further for critics reviews and more.

Directed by Edward Zwick, Pawn Sacrifice is now playing in select theaters; everywhere on September 25!

Pawn Sacrifice in theaters now!

Download The Album!

Pawn Sacrifice (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack): iTunes

“Bobby Wins”, where Howard manages to blend a warmth and lots of long-lined beauty with that same sadness from the opening cue (and others) – indeed there’s an almost elegiac feel at times. – Movie-Wave.net

With ‘Pawn Sacrifice,’ he blends his masterful use of electronics and orchestra, to create something that sings when the strings break your heart, and pulsates when the electronics drive the listening experience forward, like the internal conflict happening within a chess match. – SoundtracksAndTrailerMusic.com

Howard works to create a homogenous sound that permeates through the narrative. – FilmMusicMedia.com

His music is a volcano waiting to erupt; but he doesn’t let it erupt. James Newton Howard doesn’t play the explosion; he plays the tension building below the surface. His music echoes the complex workings of a genius and mad mind and soul and “Pawn sacrifice” is just another addition to the growing JNH museum I keep inside me. – Soundtrack Dreams


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