‘The One I Love’: Watch The Genre-Bending Movie In Theaters, On VOD +Soundtrack Coming Soon!

“Duplass and Moss are so good, and their reactions to the frankly nutty circumstances of the film are so plausible, that the preposterous premise of the story hits home both conceptually and emotionally.  -Michael O’Sullivan, The Washington Post

“The storytelling is witty, sophisticated and emotionally authentic all the way.” –Variety

In theaters now and on VOD: watch The One I Love (check showtimes) starring Elisabeth Moss and Mark Duplass.  In Charlie McDowell’s directorial debut, the genre bending indie film has received positive reviews ever since its debut at Sundance.  What’s truly extraordinary is that “screenwriter Justin Lader only supplied a 50-page script and suggested dialogue, leaving Duplass and Moss to improvise a large percentage of the lines.” (Variety)

Don’t miss updates on the soundtrack released by Lakeshore Records, which feature music by Composers Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaans — coming soon!


Related: The One I Love Soundtrack On Lakeshore Records

Lakeshore Records: The One I Love Soundtrack Coming Soon

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