From Inside: Gary Numan Special Edition Director John Bergin Reveals The Mystery Of The Film’s Leviathan
This fall, Lakeshore Records will release the DVD of the film, From Inside: Gary Numan Special Edition, scored by music icon Gary Numan and Music Producer Ade Fenton. The key art was created by the film’s writer/director, John Bergin, a veteran illustrator and writer who has spent his career pushing the boundaries in the comic book, animation, and screenwriting worlds.
Film Music Daily caught up with Mr. Bergin to ask a few questions about the From Inside: Gary Numan Special Edition movie poster.
The poster depicts a scene from the movie?
Yes. The giant bio-mechanical creature featured in the illustration is called The Leviathan. You could say that it represents inevitability. Like death, it is a massive unstoppable force barreling down on the story’s heroine, Cee. It is completely indifferent to her plight. Through most of the story, The Leviathan looks like what you see in the poster, but it transforms near the end of the story when Cee realizes inevitability isn’t necessarily dark. It’s just nature. Life.
How did you create the artwork?
Like every image in the film, I started with the original art from the graphic novel; a 14” x 17” charcoal drawing on illustration board with oil glazes. I scan the originals and work over them digitally. Photoshop, Maya, Cinema 4D, etc.
Have you made other movie posters? Do you enjoy this sort of work?
Yes, I’ve made many, many posters! I’ve designed and illustrated hundreds of book and album covers. Movie posters are very similar to making book covers and album covers. The challenge is to distill a story or concept into a single image. Sometimes it’s a certain scene, sometimes it’s a single design element — like a color or a logo — that sums up an entire listening experience or a complex story. On one hand you need to give the audience a clear indication of what they’re in for; on the other hand, I love making album covers and posters that tweak expectations with unexpected elements. It could be a typeface or tone that, at first glance, seems completely out of place, but rewards the viewer with a nice “A-ha! Now, I get it!” moment after experiencing the story or music.
Related: From Inside Returns With A Special Edition Film Score
What are you working on now?
I have a new comic coming out soon. It’s called Wednesday. The book is being scored with two soundtrack albums by Geno Lenardo (Filter) and Daniel Davies (Year Long Disaster), who recently did the soundtrack for I, Frankenstein.
Where can we see more of your work?
I have a little gallery at You can check out my books there, too.
From Inside: Gary Numan Special Edition scored by Gary Numan and Ade Fenton will premiere Fall 2014. Stay tuned for more updates!
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