4 Movies To Watch Online For Race Car Fans

Whether you’re an avid NASCAR fan or the casual race car enthusiast, we think these four adrenaline-fueled movies are worth adding to your online viewing queue: Drive (watch on Crackle), Faster (watch on Amazon Instant Video), Gamer (watch on HitBliss) and Hit & Run (watch on Netflix).  Go ahead: flood your airwaves with these Lakeshore Records soundtracks.  Access the music downloads below!

Lakeshore Records: 4 Movies To Watch Online For Race Car Fans

Download The Albums!

Drive (Score by Cliff Martinez): Download | Buy CD

Faster (Score by Clint Mansell)Download | Buy CD

Gamer (Score by Robert Williamson & Geoff Zanelli) Download | Buy CD

Hit & Run (Various Artists)Download | Buy CD


For more related soundtrack recommendations, check out 7 Movie Soundtracks To Supercharge Your Need For Speed.



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