To The Wonder: On Video Now

In case you missed it, check out To The Wonder on DVD and Blu-ray, out now.  Be sure to pick up the soundtrack released by Lakeshore Records featuring original score by Hanan Townshend.

There will be many who find To the Wonder elusive and too effervescent. They’ll be dissatisfied by a film that would rather evoke than supply. I understand that, and I think Terrence Malick does, too. But here he has attempted to reach more deeply than that: to reach beneath the surface, and find the soul in need. – Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun Times

To The Wonder (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Music By Hanan Townshend
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To The Wonder (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Hanan Townshend

01. Awareness
02. Parsifal: Prelude to Act One by Richard Wagner
03. Marina’s Theme – The Wildflowers
04. Marina’s Theme – The Call
05. Purity #2
06. Toil
07. BWV No. 142 “Uns ist ein Kind Geboren” by J.S Bach
08. The Bison
09. Deception
10. Peril
11. Purity #3
12. Awareness – The Train
13. Sweet Prospect (based on original hymn by William Walker)
14. Purity #4
15. Marina’s Theme – Overture

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