Waiting For Lightning – Original Score By Nathan Furst


Waiting For Lightning (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) – Nathan Furst

Available July 23 digital and Amazon OnDemand.- Pre-sale starts Next Tuesday  July 9th

The documentary Waiting for Lightning tells the story of expert skateboarder Danny Way, who overcomes a shaky past in order to attempt an unbelievable stunt. Although he grew up in a family broken by divorce, Way became a talented skater, and now he attempts what will become the greatest accomplishment of his career — constructing a ramp that will allow him to jump over The Great Wall of China — if he succeeds.

Rent the full movie here: http://www.youtube.com/movie/waiting-for-lightning

Waiting For Lightning (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Nathan Furst

01. Progress of the Sport
02. Seed to Origins
03. A Broken Family
04. Ten Days to Jump
05. A Mentor in MT
06. Construction Problems
07. Requiem for Mike
08. Danny Rises
09. Two Days to Jump
10. The Practice Jump
11. Ashes to Ashes
12. Island Mega Ramp

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