‘Proximity’ Soundtrack: Watch Jermaine Stegall Conduct ‘Fireball’ At Skywalker Sound

Jermaine Stegall, Composer of "Proximity" | Lakeshore Records
Jermaine Stegall, Composer of "Proximity" | Lakeshore Records

Jermaine Stegall conducting at Skywalker Sound for "Fireball" - Proximity Soundtrack | Lakeshore Records

Have you been following Jermaine Stegall’s social media feed lately? He’s been giving film music fans a taste of his forthcoming score to Proximity, coming May 15, 2020 on Lakeshore Records. Here’s another behind-the-scenes look at his scoring session at Skywalker Sound where he conducts “Fireball,” a cue from the forthcoming soundtrack.

Are you looking forward to Jermaine’s release of the Proximity soundtrack?  Let us know in the comments below.


Directed by Eric Demeusy, PROXIMITY is coming to VOD May 15, 2020.  Watch the film trailer here:


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