Star Trek: Discovery – Get Your Star Trek Universe Primer Curated By The Series Writers on CBS All Access

There’s nothing like hearing Jeff Russo’s main title theme at the start of each “Star Trek: Discovery” episode!  But if you must have even more Star Trek, you can now watch featured episodes from “Star Trek: The Original Series”, “Star Trek: The Next Generation”, “Star Trek: Voyager” and “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” as curated by the Discovery series writers!  New Star Trek fans will learn the inspiration behind the new series, and it’s all on the CBS All Access app.

RELATED: Star Trek: Discovery Among Indiewire’s Best TV Soundtracks Of 2017

Soundtrack Available Now: [Download/Stream]

If you haven’t caught up on all episodes, be sure to do so fast: there are only a handful of new episodes left in Season 1!  New episodes of “Star Trek: Discovery” airs Sunday nights at 8:30 ET / 5:30 PT on the CBS All Access app (free trial available) and via Amazon Channels (subscribe here).



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